Press Release
05 September 2018
Corilus and Startup Progenda join forces
Aalter, 5 September 2018 – Thousands of primary care professionals rely on Corilus solutions every day. Appointment scheduling is often the start of a medical experience. Progenda, developer of the online agenda application of the same name, experienced strong growth and is a missing link in Corilus' product portfolio. In this perspective, Corilus acquires the start-up Progenda in order to integrate the calendar application into its software and at the same time open it up to other players in the healthcare landscape. This synergy enables Corilus to offer an optimal experience for patients and healthcare professionals.
The Corilus group continues to invest heavily in the development of software for the primary healthcare sector in Belgium. The objective is to offer the best solutions for the sector, linked to high user satisfaction. The strong digital transformation of the medical world offers the opportunity, based on open standards, to create effective primary healthcare that allows to bring patients and professionals closer together.
'Connecting Care' perfectly summarizes how Corilus and Progenda see the future of the healthcare sector. “We are convinced that every patient and healthcare professional deserves an effective and pleasant medical experience,” said Dirk Van Lerberghe, CEO of Corilus, and Quentin Roquet, CEO of Progenda. “To achieve this, we are always open to the different actors in the health sector to work together and set up safe integrations. In addition, this collaboration will lead to innovative developments that benefit all parties in the health landscape”.